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April 19, 2010
Town of East Windsor
Economic Development Commission
11 Rye Street, P.O. Box 389
Broad Brook, CT 06016

Regular Meeting (Discussion / Minutes)
April 19, 2010


Members Present:        James Richards, Matt Crossen, Richard Covill and Josh Kapelner (Mr. Kapelner arrived at 7:20 p.m.)

Members unable       Eric Moffett and Michael Malone
to attend:

Also in attendance:     Laurie Whitten, Town Planner and Mark Simmons,  Selectman (Board of Selectmen liaison to EDC)   

The meeting began at 7:15 p.m. at the Planning & Zoning Office, 11 Rye Street, Broad Brook, CT.  

An informal discussion took place with no motions or votes until Mr. Kapelner arrived.  Once he arrived a quorum was established.

A brief discussion took place regarding the Route 140 sewers.  Ms. Whitten said that they haven’t heard officially whether they are getting the grant.  The USDA needed additional information and the engineering firm was able to supply the information they needed.  She said they should be getting about 42% as a grant and will have to go for a bonding referendum for the rest.  The total cost would be about 3.5 million with about 1.4 million to be bonded.  Ms. Whitten referred to some excerpts from the Plan of Development and an email from Mr. Richards regarding what they can put on the flyer in support of the sewers.  
At this point in the meeting Mr. Kapelner arrived.  Mr. Covill officially called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.  


MOTION: To approve the minutes of February 22, 2010.    
                                                                Richards / Crossen
In Favor:       Richards; Kapelner; Covill
Abstain:        Crossen

EDC Bylaws:

MOTION: That the bylaws will be researched and presented at the next meeting.  If no bylaws are found, the bylaws will be taken from surrounding towns and created.
                                                        Richards / Crossen / Unanimous


Route 140 Sewers:

Further discussion was held regarding the flyer for the sewers.  Some of the points brought as positives were:  Will increase property values.  More employment opportunities, job creation.  Will make East Windsor more attractive for commercial industry.  Continued controlled growth.  Increase grand list to keep taxes low.  Mr. Richards said they should be promoting mixed use such as Pasco’s.  

They discussed how the flyer would look.  It was suggested to have it one-sided on color paper.  Ms. Whitten suggested having key bullet points and if people want more information, have a web site they can go to.  It was also suggested having quotes from Board of Selectmen members, the Superintendent of Schools and members of other boards such as the PZC and NRPC as to why we should promote the sewers.  

Calendar of Events:

MOTION: That we establish an annual calendar of events.
                                                        Kapelner / Richards / Unanimous

After a brief discussion it was agreed that they would have 2 events yearly:  A winter event for new and expanded business recognition to be held in January and an “Economic Education” event to be held in October.  

Economic Development Issues:

Mr. Kapelner said that he went to a North Central Chamber meeting recently.  He said he would like to see more of an East Windsor presence at the various chamber and business functions.  He noted that Mr. Richards provides lists of events each month in his emails.


MOTION: To adjourn.                     Richards / Crossen / Unanimous

The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marlene Bauer
Recording Secretary